Thursday, 31 January 2013

Tuesday 6th July 2010

This morning we visited a vocational training centre; another place of real positivity. There was a joinery workshop where the guys were making beautiful furniture, often used in schools. In the next room the ladies were sewing and knitting, both to clothe their own families, and also to provide school uniforms. One of them let me have a go on the knitting machine. It’s exciting to think that somewhere a child will be wearing a jumper for school with my 91 lines of knitting!

After lunch we went back to the building site. Today we were filling in the blocks which are making up the foundations. After yesterday’s block shifting, my arms were thankful for less heavy work! Still the temperature is so pleasant for working in and the local builders seem to be enjoying having the extra help.   
Many of the same kids as yesterday came to see us. There was one little boy who wears a full pumpkin costume! Clearly it’s been donated, but he seems just happy that it fits.
Finally, we had dinner with two of the team from the ‘Fountain of Hope’ Centre. I could have listened to them talk all night, as they shared their incredible stories. They were once living on the streets, but have turned their lives around and now run the centre which helped them off the street. After how moving tonight was, I hope I have the right words to say to encourage the boys we meet tomorrow on our visit.
In true African style we’ve had our first power cut tonight so I best leave it there…