Having worked as an assistant to a disabled woman back home, to see the lack of support he
receives was just heart-breaking. The pressure on his wife is huge as she is
also a teacher so can't be with him in the day. He enjoys reading but lacks
stimulation as he is housebound since the stroke. He tries to go to the clinic when he can, but sometimes they simply can’t
afford the taxi fare. His chair can't be used outside as the rocks,
rubbish and dust forming the streets make it so uneven.
We were able to
leave some blankets and Nshima (local maize staple) mix today, but only as Mission Direct had paid for it.
The fact that the home based care volunteers are regularly visiting these
people who are so isolated from the community, is really encouraging.
On a lighter note, the tailor came
back with my dress this afternoon. He has worked wonders and I feel really privileged
to have had something specially made. I have also now fathomed how to
tie my Chatenga (a wrap-round skirt that all local women wear) and the
Zambian’s are thrilled that we are making an effort to blend in with them. Unfortunatly, I don't quite the same blending in skills when it comes to carrying washing on my head as the local ladies do with such ease!