In addition to the weekly visits to the sick in the community, they also run a monthly clinic, which happened to fall today. The volunteers had such limited facilities but at least they had four qualified doctors visting from the local hospital. Eye tests were carried out, check-ups were also offered, along with dispensing some basic medicine. The 8 year old HIV positive girl we visited yesterday was there for her check-up, and came up to me with a big beam on her face. She is feeling much better today and her temperature has gone down.
The day finished nicely with ‘Bangers n Mash’ (not very African but still very welcomed!) and then worship with the praise group from ECZ Church. Finally, we rehearsed for our singing slot in the service tomorrow; one word....hysterical! We simply don’t have the musical capabilities of the Zambians and don’t get me started on attempting to choreograph swaying as a group!