Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Saturday 17th July 2010

Well, we are on the plane to Nairobi and the whole trip feels a bit of a dream. What an amazing experience this has been and I can truthfully say it has not only been the best thing I’ve ever done but it has also brought out the best in me. I feel so blessed and privileged to have met the people I have and so inspired by what I have seen. It’s going to be so hard to express effectively to people back home how this has changed me. I am half dreading the ‘How was Zambia?’ question as you can’t ever really understand it until you’ve soaked it up yourself.

All I can say is that I wish everyone had the opportunity to see what I’ve seen and meet both a wonderful team and also local people with such strength and trust in God. All apprehensions about the trip have been dealt with and I have learnt more than I could have ever imagined. As I once heard, ‘Courage is not the absence of fear, just the belief that there is something more important than fear’. I have felt that with God at my side, trusting is the key to coping with unfamiliarity and challenges. If you just throw yourself into life, then what you learn from experiences will over-ride any fear you had to take the plunge.