We were on the building site today and one of the locals
from the church came striding up to me declaring that Emily House was dead.
After a fair bit of miming and a good 5 minutes of broken English, we finally determined that he was trying to tell us that Amy Winehouse had
sadly died. It's so strange to be on a dusty building site in a village in Moldova
and receiving news that will be on the front pages of the newspaper back home.
We also found out that one of our drivers worked for two
days in order to pay for his Bible. It is stories like that that really put
things in context and make you realise how much you take for granted.

En-route back to the village there
was an overturned lorry blocking the rural road so all the traffic was diverted
through a farmer’s field. Can you imagine that here, an accident on the M1 diverts
traffic through the surrounding farmland. Each day has surprises and I love getting a kick out of the
unexpected and bizarre things that happen every day.