Friday, 17 May 2013

Unwelcome guests

One of the joys of this trip is living with a local family. We have been welcomed with open arms and a comfortable bed, but we have had the odd unexpected visitor! 

Last week I pulled my shoes out from under the bed to find a toad in one of them! Today beats that hands down though. This morning I was just heading out the door when out of the corner of my eye something moved on a sheet that was covering some bags of grain. 

After a double take and a totally girly scream, sure enough I found a grass snake in the bedroom! In the shock (on both parts) it slid behind the bookcase and we couldn't get it out. The family were out for the day and we had arranged to go to lunch with someone in the village. Reluctantly we shut all the doors and left. 

When we got back we (as casually as possible) told our host family that we had a snake in the bedroom somewhere and did they have any suggestions as to how to catch it! The room was methodically turned upside down as clothes and suitcases were searched through. Long story short, the snake came to a sad end with a shovel. Just when we thought the drama was over the 9 year old boy we are living with thought it would be a laugh to chase me down the street with the dead snake, boys will be boys!