Down-time in Bucharest
As we don’t fly home until the end of the week we decided to spend a couple of days in Bucharest. Although, we have been
backwards and forwards from the airport with the teams all summer, we haven’t
actually ever explored the city. It has worked really well as is a bit of a
half-way house between life in the village and life back home in the western
world. We explored the tree lined streets that have a historic Paris feel to
them and are beautiful! Alongside this though is the communist influence and a
darker feel as the more recent history becomes apparent. The city was bombed
heavily during the war and in 1977 in earthquake destroyed many of the
buildings. The Palace of Parliament which was built in the 1980s is the largest
civilian building in the world and has over 1,000 rooms! We had the classic
tourist tour which was an hour and a half and we didn’t even scratch the
surface as we only covered 5% of it! Ceauşescu built it under his dictatorship but was
shoot in 1989 before it’s completion. The best bit of the day was the restaurant
this evening. Such character! All the staff we in local traditional dress and
we ate downstairs in the wine-cellar with live music! It has been a real treat to have a bit of a holiday at the end of what has been a very eventful summer.